Why We Rebranded and The Story Behind Our Brand

Poodle Mafia Marketing Branding PR for Startups Movements and Personalities - Donald Draper Quote

I’ve been running a digital branding and marketing firm for over 8 years now. It’s been an incredible journey. And while that business has served me well, it was time for a brand refresh.

Deciding to re-brand wasn’t an easy decision, but I did for very strategic and focused reasons.

After operating for the last 8 years, I learned more about what kind of people I work best with and the kind of work that inspires me.
Inspiration is important in my world.
When everyone is inspired, magic happens.
I decide to choose to be inspired, so Poodle Mafia is selective about client and collaborators.
I work best with people as inspired as we are.
Inspiration. Passion. Magic.

Entrepreneurs, Change Makers, Leaders.
Poodle Mafia welcomes and invites passion.
We know that passionate people are sometimes “hard to work with.”
We’re not scared about that.
We want to partner with people who care about their business.
That’s why the areas of focus for Poodle Mafia is startups, movements and personalities.
That doesn’t mean we don’t work with businesses outside of those areas, but those are the areas we’ve consistently found the kind people we want to partner with.

But why the name?

I firmly believe that the best marketing is part science, part art. I enjoy those contradictions and I wanted a brand that reflected those contradictions.
I wanted something that had personality and reflected our drive and our willingness to go over and above.
I wanted a brand that was also fun and memorable.
So I started thinking. Tossing out ideas to other creatives. We came up with some fun and interesting ideas. But there was one phrase, which my husband actually uses which I could not get out of my head.

We refer to our two Poodles, Stella and Zoe (you can find them on Instagram under #PuppyStella and #PuppyZoe) as our “Poodle Mafia.” Once I started trying that name out on people, they couldn’t get it out of their heads either. I continued to play with other ideas, but Poodle Mafia would NOT go away.
It wouldn’t go away because it’s not only memorable and fun, but it’s a reflection of my approach to marketing. I know Poodles to be elegant, but also complex and full of contradictions and surprises. A lot of people think of Poodles as fluffy show dogs, but there is a lot more than a pretty face. What many don’t know is poodles are excellent hunting dogs, they’re also extremely loyal to the pack. In many ways, that’s what Poodle Mafia does for you: hunt for your customers and turn them into your pack. More importantly, we’re loyal and dedicated to our clients.
But there’s something else, Poodles are known as some the smartest dogs in the world.

Now that we’ve covered the “Poodle” part, why did we chose the word “Mafia?”

I naturally gravitated towards a word so polar opposite of the image of Poodle.
But there was more.
I’m a bit of a creative and a bit of a rebel. I’ve always marched to the beat of my own drum. “Mafia” reflected that.
Mafioso are known to write their own rules, to go against the grain. Entire industries have started because of the Mafia. Yet, for all their rough and tumble, there is an elegance, pride and no small amount of their own code of ethics. That’s us. We don’t follow the “rules” just because there are rules. We have a strong code of ethics, but we’re not afraid to rebel, take risks or rewrite the rules.We often say, when the pack is headed in one direction, that’s the perfect time to head in the other. That’s how you stand out. That’s how you make waves. That’s how you get the creative juices going. And that’s what we like doing.

In short, now that digital marketing has firmly left it’s infancy behind, simply HAVING a digital presence isn’t enough. It’s time to standout, break out or break in with creativity, intelligence and yes, a little rebellion. Poodle Mafia reflects that next stage of digital marketing.

So if you’re looking for an elegantly aggressive digital marketing and branding company who prides itself on elegance and rebellion, then we should talk.
[link_button link=”http://poodlemafia.com/contact-poodle-mafia-digital-marketing-and-branding-silicon-beach” size=”large” color=”#000000″ align=”left”]Contact Us Today[/link_button]



Thanks for reading,


P.S.: Over the last 8 years, Poodle Mafia’s team has been better known as Akamai Marketing.

P.P.S. All the blog posts from Akamai Marketing will remain there, and some will be published in both places, but in the future, but the primary blog spot will be here.





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  1. […] of “I’ve been there.” I’ve started 3 businesses in my life, and recently, re-branded the third. I know fear. I know fear intimately. I’ve been living and feeding off of fear […]

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