5 Branding Tips in 15 Minutes

I’m super amp’d in this Podcast, it’s obvious I had my coffee this morning.

These are 5 quick branding tips for anyone with a project, whether you’re a startup, movement or personality.
I had the pleasure of joining Debra Eckerling on her Guided Goals podcast.
It’s quick, it’s high-energy and everyone’s hair looks elegantly aggressive. Join us.


P.S.: Like this? Subscribe to the Debra’s podcast because she’s got some great guests on tap!

6 replies
  1. joannehenein
    joannehenein says:

    Great to get to know you a bit through this video, Tara! Love what you said about – if you are going to make / publish / start anything – “the only thing that will make you stand out is your brand” (which I always say goes beyond your logo, graphics, etc. into all communication, besides core values, delivery, what you stand for, etc.) Totally agree.


Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. […] because everything you do hinges on knowing what you’re trying to accomplish. It could eyeballs (branding), engagement (building community and fans) or it could be website click-thru’s (conversions), […]

  2. […] A strong brand has a clear voice and gives their customers something they can self-identify with. When your brand fits into their self-story of how they seem themselves you’ll increase affinity and loyalty. The strongest brands have simple identities that rarely change. Think: Coca-Cola (happiness), Apple (innovation) Lady Gaga (acceptance). The strongest brands also always consider their brand when making big decisions (is this consistent with our brand and our customer’s expectations of us?) […]

  3. […] because everything you do hinges on knowing what you’re trying to accomplish. It could eyeballs (branding), engagement (building community and fans) or it could be website click-thru’s (conversions), […]

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