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When Personalities Create Movements

Client: Statewide Politician


  • Key Messaging 
  • Press Outreach
  • Strategic Advisement
  • Social Media Campaigns
  • Social Media Community Building
  • Content Development

Overnight successes are rarely overnight at all.
In fact, they are typically the result of years of hard work, strategy and yes, even some luck.

By using personal branding social media strategy in conjunction with a focused PR effort, we shifted perception and created a movement.

One of our personalities was a statewide politician looking to raise his public profile. He’d been in his position for several years, was well respected by his constituents and his legislative peers, but was a virtual unknown to all those except political watchers. The challenge was to create awareness of the politician to the greater statewide audience.

Poodle Mafia’s Tara Coomans worked with a team to create a campaign that shook the community to its core, raised the politician’s profile using strategy, messaging and emotional content.


The strategy was to define the politician as a man who works for the people, not for the system.  This politician was an incredibly nice guy, but we needed to emphasize his ability to be a nice guy, who represents the people while at the same time, willing to take a stand, no matter what the politics. We wanted to create influence to create movements.  We needed to walk a fine line between being disruptive and creating a cause.

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