Why Emotional Triggers Matter in Branding Strategy

emotional triggers in branding

Can you use emotional triggers in your branding strategy?

One of the most interesting aspects of branding is the ongoing ability to trigger an emotional response.
In some ways, this is much easier in digital because there are many more opportunities for ongoing communication as opposed to say, a flat print or radio ad.
But it’s also true that we expect to be communicated with differently in digital.
This is one of the biggest challenges for traditional PR agencies and marketers to overcome because traditional marketing isn’t used to speaking directly to and with the audience.
Simply put: distance is bad, the connection is good.

But what does it mean to create an emotional response?
It’s more than just babies and puppies, although, I like that too.
It’s about your language and your tone too.
It not just about what you say, it’s about how you say it.

But first, why should you care?

Emotion Impacts Purchases.

  • 31% Advertisers report significant product gains from emotional campaigns.
  • 16% Advertisers report the same the same from rational campaigns.
  • 26% Advertisers report the same with a combination of emotion and rationality.

So what are these powerful emotions you can evoke?

Truly, almost every business can benefit from tapping into our emotional triggers.
Which emotional triggers you choose will depend on your market, your audience and your goals.
However, appealing to emotions adds inherent value to your product and market position. Whether this is strategically relevant to you depends on whether you’d like to stand out in your field.
The more competitive your market, the more commoditized your market, the more you can benefit from emotional messaging and strategy.

Emotional language is but one part of the process in a methodology I’ve developed called “Captivation Motivation.” The purpose of Captivation Motivation is to create a solid strategy, starting with ideal customers, their personality triggers, and then combine emotional language and other motivational triggers most likely to appeal to them. Once we’ve gone through this process, we have a road map from which to create content, messaging, and public relations, and marketing. While the process works for all forms of branding, it’s important to do it in digital media where our attentions are shorter.

If your branding strategy isn’t getting you the results you expected, contact us today, because you’re losing out on dollars every day you wait.